
Dominic Lepage, Alvaro Jiménez, Dominic Carrier, Jan J. Dubowski, “Hyperspectral Plasmonics“, International Conference on Information Photonics, 18-20 May 2011, Ottawa, Canada, Article number 5953775, ISBN: 978-1-61284-315-5.[pdf]…



J.J. Dubowski, Laser trimming of emission wavelength of quantum semiconductor microstructures, Photons, Technical Review of the Canadian Institute for Photonic Innovations, Vol. 9(1), 32-37 (2011).…



J.J. Dubowski, Biodétecteur à base de semi-conducteurs quantitiques, invited highlight in: Technologies & Santé, le Guide des Tendences 2009, Ed. I. Quentin, ISBN: 978-2-922417-69-2, pp. 49-50 (2009).…



W.M. Hassen, V. Duplan, E. Frost and J.J. Dubowski, “Quantitation of influenza A virus in the presence of extraneous protein using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy”, Electrochimica Acta 56(24), 8325-8328…

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