[C49] J.J. Dubowski, “Photons make nanophoptonics happen”, 3e Colloque de l’Institut des matériaux et systèmes intelligents (IMSI), Centre culturel de l’Université de Sherbrooke, le 5 Novembre 2003.…
More[C48] X. Du, J.J. Dubowski, M. Post, D.Wang and J. Tunney, “Excimer laser annealing of p-type perovskite thin films“, 11th Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference, Ottawa, August 18-22, 2003.…
More[C46] J.J. Dubowski, “Quantum Well Intermixing: a promising approach for photonic device integration“, Meeting of the student chapter of the Canadian Institute for Photonic Innovations (CIPI-S), Sherbrooke, April…
More[C45] X. Du, J.J. Dubowski, M. Post, J. Tunney and L. Zhu, “Laser Induced Modification of PLD Deposited Perovskite Microstructures”, SPIE Regional Meeting OPTO-Canada, Ottawa, May 9-10, 2002.…