O. Voznyy and J.J. Dubowski, “First-principles Study of Adsorption Energetics of Alkanethiols on GaAs (001)”, in Biosurfaces and Biointerfaces, Edited by M.…
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J. Genest, J J Dubowski1, V Aimez, N. Pauc, D Drouin and M Post, “UV controlled quantum well intermixing in InAlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures”,…
X. Du, J. Tunney, M. Post and J.J. Dubowski, “Excimer laser annealing of perovskite thin films: Morphology and gas-sensor properties”, Journal of…
J.J. Dubowski, “Novel Quantum Dot based Approach for Biosensing”, invited talk, 2006 IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, ISBN: 0-7803-9556-5, pp. 302-303…
O. Voznyy and J.J. Dubowski, “Adsorption and Self-Assembly of Alkanethiols on GaAs (001) Surface”, 2006 IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, ISBN:…
X. Ding and J.J. Dubowski, “Laser patterning of biotinylated nanobeads immobilized on (001) GaAs surface”, 2006 IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings,…
X. Ding, Kh. Moumanis, J.J. Dubowski and E. Frost , “A study of binding biotinylated nano-beads to the surface of (001) GaAs”,…
X. Ding and J.J. Dubowski, “Surface passivation of (001) GaAs with self-assembled monolayers of long-chain thiols”, Proc. SPIE, vol. 5713, 545-551 (2005).[pdf]…