Khalid Moumanis (2006) Optical Spectroscopy and Aging Effects of Bio-Interfaces involving Semiconductor Quantum Dots [tabs] [tab title=”Curriculum”] Academics 1996 – 1999PhD – Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics A.F.Ioffe Physical…


Ximing Ding

(2007) Surface functionalization of III-V quantum semiconductors{password qsgroup} Immobilization of bio-molecules on the surface of III-V and/or II-VI quantum semiconductors aiming to detect upcoming bio-moieties binding to the…


Matthieu Martin

(2008) Optical spectroscopy of biofunctionalized quantum semiconductors{password qsgroup} The purpose of my Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Laboratory for Quantum Semiconductors and Photon-based Nanotechnologies is the design and implementation…
